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Advanced Crafting Methods

Gilded fossil helping to keep the original implicit on vaaling

Using a gilded fossil on an item adds a line in the implicit mod block of the item reading "Item sells for much more to vendors". When you use a vaal orb on a item, one line in the implicit block has a chance to turn into a corrupted mod. So for example if you have an astral plate or a stygian vise with the item sells for much more to vendors line and use a vaal orb, you might succesfully corrupt the additionnal line and keep the original implicit as well.

Using low ilvl to force vaal outcomes

Corrupted outcomes from using a vaal orb have ilvl requirements. In many cases the most desired ones are available with ilvl 1, such as +1 to level of socketed gems on armors. It is sometimes best to try and vaal low ilvl versions of items to maximize chances of hitting the most desired outcomes.

Using divination cards to acquire low ilvl bases of high level bases

You can turn in a set of divination cards that rewards a specific item base (unique or otherwise) using a low level character. The ilvl of the item will be that of the character's level. As such you could turn in a set of Dark Temptation to get a low ilvl version of Obliteration. This in conjunction with the next hack let's you have clean low ilvl bases of otherwise high ilvl items.

Turn in 5 corrupted rares of an item to get a clean uncorrupted (and uninfluenced) version

Using the above method to get a low ilvl Obliteration, you can then use a vaal orb on it in the hopes of bricking the unique into a rare corrupted version. You then turn in this item and 4 other corrupted items of the same base to a vendor and get a clean uncorrupted Demon's Horn back with the added perk of being the ilvl of the lowest of the items turned in. 

Bypassing item ilvl with beasts

When using either a Farric Wolf Alpha or a Farric Lynx Alpha to either remove a prefix to add a suffix or remove a suffix to add a prefix, the mods that can be added will not be limited by the item's ilvl, but rather by the beast's ilvl. This allows for rolling high ilvl mods on low ilvl bases. This comes really handy in conjunction with the 2 above methods where you would obtain a nice high lvl base that is a low ilvl to force rolling specific mods that are easier to roll on low ilvl items and then using the beasts to apply high ilvl mods on top of them.


Easy way of getting +1 to level of socketed gems on bows

If you have 2 suffix on an uninfluenced bow, you can craft cannot roll attack mods and if you slam a prefix it will always be +1 to level of socketed gems.


Duplicating a magic item base

Let's suppose that you have the perfect 2 mod magic base. For example a jewelled foil that's 30 quality, with 3 white sockets, and tier 1 added flat phys with tier 1 attack speed. You first use a Craicic Chimeral to create an imprint of the item. Then you regal a mod onto the item after which you would use a Fenumal Plagued Arachnid to split the item into two items. If you are lucky (1/3 of the time) you will get a split that has one item with your t1 added phys and attack speed, and the other with whatever mod you had regaled. You can then use the imprint you had made of the original item on the single mod one and you now have 2 copies.


Selling a corrupted influenced amulet with any gem will clean it

You can sell any influenced amulet with a gem of each color (red, green and blue) and you will get back a clean Onyx Amulet, even if it is corrupted.


Blocking undesired mods by modgroup

Before using an exalted orb, consider crafting a mod if you have an open slot that would raise your chance of attaining your goal. For example, if you had a fully prefixed dex armor with 2 empty suffixes and wanted to slam dex on it. You should first craft an unwanted mod that could spawn on the item, like a resistance, so it is not part of what could roll when you use the exalted orb or other method of adding a mod (like a conqueror's exalt). A common example is crafting +to maximum mana on an item before exalting, since it is such a common affix. It is important to know that it is not the TEXT of the mod that produces the block, it is something called "mod groups". You can also check if a crafted mod is part of the same modgroup as a mod you dont want on the item and craft it to ensure it is blocked.


Use item level to your advantage

Sometimes you can gain alot by targetting the best item level to use for a craft. You can block a number of mods and/or mod tiers from the pool by using a copy of your item that has just the right item level. 


Metacrafting techniques

Divines and some specific other orbs respect pre/suffixes cannot be changed, so you can use divines to first roll your suffixes, then craft suffixes cannot be changed to lock them in place and freely divine to reroll your suffixes. These "meta mods" also work with scour orbs, meaning you can specifically remove prefixes or suffixes. This is what is know as "metacrafting". It's quite expensive, but can be used to create the most powerful items in the game.


Optimizing gem leveling

If you are leveling Empower, Enlighten or Enhance gems, consider putting them in an item that has +#% to Quality of Socketed Gems to level them faster as quality on those gems make them earn experience quicker.